Sunday, May 27, 2007

Beyond Cuban Rabbit Food

Sorry I haven't been updating these explorations into Cuban-American vegetarian cuisine. Graduating grad school nearly killed me! Anyhow, I cooked this entree up for my vegetarian girlfriend yesterday and she loved it.

Aji relleno con tostones.

Aji (Bell peppers)
Queso de Cabra crumbles
Green Platains for tostones
Oil for frying

The first thing you want to do is make the congri and set it aside. Cut around the core of each Aji (one per serving) while keeping the over structure intact. Clean and wash the inside of the aji. Preheat the oven for 200 and place the aji (one per serving) in until the skin is soft. Take a plantain (one per serving) and peel it. Cut the plantain into one inch slices and lightly fry them until they are golden. Remove from oil and set aside. Remove aji from oven and remove water. Fill each aji with congri a seal the opening with the queso de cabra crumbles. Put the aji back into the oven and set the heat at 350 degrees and leave until the cheese melts. Taking the lightly fried plantain slices you will smash them with a tostonera or the bottom of a cooking wine bottle and fry them again until extra crispy. Remove the Aji from the oven and place on the plate and serve with tostones. Salt to taste y buen provecho!


la_zorra_verde said...

After you smash the tostones, set it for a minute or two in water with salt and a a couple of garlic.
Take them out, dry them and then fry them. The tostones will have a garlic taste and they will crispier as well as softer.

John R. said...

QUE RRRRRRRICO suena eso! Voy hacerlo asi la proxima vez! Some times I set them in mojo criollo, but the garlic sounds awesome!