Friday, May 20, 2005

Esta oscuro y huele a queso...

This just in from, and I don't like the sound of it:

"Fidel hará una importante revelación esta tarde a las seis
EL presidente Fidel Castro hará hoy una importante revelación ante 100 mil habaneros en la Tribuna Antimperialista José Martí, frente a la Oficina de Intereses de Estados Unidos en esta capital.

Se trata de una pequeña sorpresita, dijo el mandatario, quien aseguró que Cuba también tiene documentos que desclasificar.
Dijo que la actual batalla cubana contra el terrorismo es también por América y todo el mundo." Click for more

This is too much of a coincidence, that he announce this on the day that the Assamblea is meeting.

Esta oscuro y huele a queso... things aren't clear and something smells rotten.

He's arrested 75 journalists in a blink back in 2003. And after that it's really curious as to why he allowed all these foriegners to attend the Asamblea. In any case, I don't want to think further. I pray that this is only another distraction (like that stupid Posada parade), and I pray it's not something more terrifying.

Keep your eyes peeled around 6pm ET.

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