Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Those who know me understand that I'm not a BIG beer fan (Rum IS my thing). As a matter of fact I normally stick to Guinness, Amberbock, Modelo Dark and Heinekin Dark -like my Cafe I drink my beer strong, black, and with a foamy top because anything else is agua-jeringa to me. Well, I was helping some friends (the couple just got married not too long ago) move into their new apt. several stories up, and after two hours of trekking up and down 6 flights of stairs with heavy as hell boxes and furniture (my shoulder still aches) the group of us finished the way any move should finish: over pizza, beer and jokes. And I must say that the beer we drank was the BEST FREAKING BEER I've ever had.

Imagine Malta Hatuey minus the sugar, plus the booze, and a less watery taste than Guinness or Amberbock. The name's Shinerbock and it's to Texas what Goose Island beer is to Chicago. Heck, Amberbock was created in order to compete against Shinerbock, and in the world of competition Shinerbock is CLEARY the victor. My one and only complaint is that aside from the White House, Shinerbock is only found in the south and almost exclusively Texas. And since I'm currently no where near Texas, or the south for that matter, if anyone finds it in Miami PLEASE let me know so that I can plan on bringing a case or two (or five) back with me the next time I'm down. And of course get a 6 pack for yourself!

One warning: If you can't stand Guinness or Amberbock then you should avoid Shinerbock and stick to your Bud light, lemonade Corona's, or tap water for that matter.


Robert said...


Enjoyed your post. Like you, I don't like watered down American beers, but I'm not crazy about the dark stuff either. I'm more of a Bass/Sam Adams/Dos Equis Amber/Presidente beer fan.

I've heard of Shinerbock, but not sure I've seen it here in Miami. I'll let you know if I find some.

Henry Louis Gomez said...


That is one of my favorite beers of all time. I was introduced to it by a bartender at a place I used to haunt in coconut grove. That was during my swinging single days between marriages. I was recently in San Antonio doing focus group research and after a long day the only restaurnat that was open on a weeknight at that hour was Chili's so I went in and sat at the bar. There it was Shinerbock on tap. Excellent! There's a place near me where they sell beers of the world. I'll go check it out and report back to you.

Tremenda Trigueña said...

Songua, have you ever been to Oregon? We have the best supplies of microbrews in the country...If you are ever out here, let me know and I can give you a list of breweries to go to! :)

Anonymous said...

Shiner comes from teh town of Shiner Texas, which is sort of in between Houston and Austin. This area had a lot of German and Chech immigrants. the beer is brewed in a old family brewery that once had a documentary movie called "the last of the little breweries" made about it. unfortunately the Speotzel family no longer owns it and the beer you get now is not quite the same as we used to drink back in the late 70s they have a real nice hospitality room there. check it out if you are ever passing thru.
you guys are doing great work shining a light on the darkness that holds the pearl of the Carribbean in its grip

John R. said...

Oregon eh? Bueno, I do get around and if I'm in town, I just my ask for that list!

Tremenda Trigueña said...

Así es muchacho...con poco sabor latino but we drink our cares away out here! :)

Anonymous said...

Just bought a 6-pack in Publix... it doesn't look dark thought [and is too early to check it :-) ]