Sunday, February 26, 2006


Dear Readers,

I just wanted to bring you up to speed on some of the changes going on around here. First of all we've moved. If you're reading this, you probably already figured that out. Our new URL is

Secondly, you can see that we've changed the banner at the top. My partner in this blog, Songuacassal, gave me the opportunity to change the name to Tren Blindado Blog. Tren Blindado is the name of my other web site. Rather than tear down what we've built up for the last year we decided to keep the name of the blog the same but add the line about being the official blog of

To my fellow bloggers, please make sure to change the links in your blog rolls to the URL above so that your readers don't have to be redirected here.


Henry "Conductor" Gomez and Songuacassal.

1 comment:

John R. said...

I like the banner man... NICE! Very Very Nice...