Thursday, May 03, 2007


As we all know, those online-bleeding-heart-lefties who come in defense of Cuban communism, with castro love, quote wikipedia as an infallible source. Anyone, with a higher level education should avoid wikipedia and consider it unreliable for any serious research, but as I was doing some research I followed a link and stumbled onto wiki and found this quote to be a shocker:

Cuba had a number of communist and anarchist parties since the early period of the Republic. The original "internationalized" Communist Party of Cuba was formed in the 1920s. Founders included Blas Roca, Anibal Escalante, Fabio Grobart and Julio Antonio Mella. A member of the Comintern, it was later renamed the People's Socialist Party for electoral reasons. It supported Fulgencio Batista, in whose government it had Ministers Without Portfolio. The People's Socialist Party was initially critical of Fidel Castro. Following the Cuban revolution which propelled Fidel Castro to power on January 1, 1959, Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev asked his advisors to consult Cuban Communists about Castro's background and motives. The Communists reported that Castro was a representative of the "haute bourgeoisie" and probably working for the CIA.[1]

Batista supported by commies? castro repesenting the bourgeoisie?

Holy Crap, I applaud wikipedia for getting some truth in it. I don't know how many times I've told castrolites that Bastista was supported by the communist party and that castro was supported by the middle and upper class. I'm impressed. Nevertheless, the site with it's other references (che, fidel, cuba) still paints fidel in a nauseatingly sympathetic light, so enter and browse with caution. However, the fact that it refered to these two lesser talked about points on batista and fidel is huge. It means, that in some fashion (y poco a poco) the truth IS being made known.

La verdad tiene un leguaje sencillo que seduce a la mas indiferente voluntad: los oidos se resisten a ella en vano: ella tiene una fuerza secreta que convence, subyuga y conquista.

-Jose Marti (Tomo 6:244)

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