Friday, July 22, 2005

Got Links?

Something that this website is dedicated to is the promotion of all sites Cuban, anti-castrista, and pro-democratic. Here are some of the latest links I found online:

La Revista Opositor

Futuro de Cuba

US Interests Section, Havana


Partido Ortodoxa

Organización Auténtica

Click it and read it. Learn something new or remember something old, and as always, continue the fight for: (as la Organizacion Autentica put's it)

Por una Cuba ni China, ni Soviética. Tampoco Norteamericana. Anti marxista, comunista, leninista, castrocomunista. Pero si con democracia representativa, division de poderes, voto universal y secreto, práctica efectiva de "Habeas Corpus" en el marco de una actualizada Constitución de 1940. De libre empresa y respeto a la propiedad privada con función social. Civilista. Cristiana. Martiana. UNA CUBA CUBANA

For a non-chinese, non-sovietic, and non-NorthAmerican Cuba. A Cuba that is anti-marxist, anti-communist, anti-leninist, and anti-castrocommunist. One with representative democracy, divison of powers, universal and confidential voting, faithful to the Constitutions of 1940. A Cuba of free press and respect to private property with its social attributes. A Civil, Christian and Martinist Cuban. A CUBA THAT IS CUBAN

Val has a hilarious picture on Babalu from a excellent website that I forgot to mention: Che-Mart!

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