Two degrees of separation.
I thought I once blogged on this subject, and perhaps I did not. For those who live in Miami, especially those who are Cuban-American, it's something so clear it's mind numbing: there are only two degrees of seperation between you and anyone else in Miami. I've alway's believed it, and just recently I've been blown away by it.
For those who don't know, I have a myspace account. And on this account I used Val's image of Guillermo as a beacon to promote awareness of his hunger strike. Amanda, Val's niece -from Brandon's Puppy-, sends me a message thanking me for spreading the word and telling me her uncle created the image (Since I use my real name in myspace, she didn't know that I am also Songuacassal.) I decide to reply and suprise her with who I am, and to my I shock I see someone in her picture that I recognize. A young woman who happens to be a friend of mine that I haven't seen in YEARS. This friend happens to be Amanda's SISTER, which means that this old friend of mine is Val's niece. WHOA... I never in my life saw that coming. It's two degrees TOO MUCH! ¡¡¡¡ÑO!!!!
On a funny (and perhaps pathetic) note, back in 8th grade I actually asked this girl out, and as it was the first time I had ever asked a girl out I was COMPLETELY and UTTERLY clueless as to what to do next, and so the relationship didn't last for more than a day or two. Que cosa...
Bueno, is it me, or isn't Miami such a small world?
Small world, ain't it?! ;-)
I'm still in shock about this whole thing...I have another two degrees of separation story that I will be posting about soon.
Great! BTW: I going to try your Banana bread recipe... I'll let you know how that comes along!
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