Saturday, July 01, 2006


As a typical Cuban-American, I'm a huge baseball fan. I grew up a Phillies fan (I have a pair of stadium chairs from the now imploded Veteran's Stadium) but switched my allegiance to the Marlins at some point in the last 5 or 6 years.

Last night I was at the game between the Fish and the Boston Red Sox and I began to think about the language of baseball and baseball expressions. Baseball is colorful game with regards to its descriptions. One might say of a light-hitting player "He couldn't hit water if he fell out of a boat."

Well there's expressions like that in Spanish too. A couple of my favorites:

Ese es un out vestido de pelotero = That guy is an out disguised as a ballplayer

Ese no le puede dar a un globo con una guitara = He couldn't hit a balloon with a guitar
Which are some of your favorite Spanish baseball expressions?

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